Born in 1960 in Hildesheim, the artist Andreas Eiserbeck creates not only paintings and drawings, but also works as a sculptor or writer. However, the focus remains on painting and drawing. The excursions to new and unknown areas are important for the artist to stay away from incestuous non-art; and to get closer above all – to the art of independent expression. A quiet melancholy which emerges more stronger when one recognizes it, swims almost imperceptibly in his works.
The subject of the human body is in the center of many works of the artist. His series of paintings Movement shows almost faceless people, slightly blurred bodies, reminiscent of a secret sadness that can be discovered behind the boisterous bustle of the people. The motives of the image series Landscape show something forlorn, the fallen palm tree or the lonesome beach property.
23. 08. – 12. 09. 2013