Convergence of Echoes – Group exhibition in Hamburg, December 2023

In the exhibition “Convergence of Echoes” we enter a realm where the power of human experience meets the boundless landscapes of imagination, spanning the temporal divide from the present to the depths of the Anthropocene. The exhibition brings together four visionary artists – Peter Backhaus, Donat Kamber, Jonathan “Ollio” Josefsson and Elsbeth Pluimers – who each stake out different territories, but who come together on a common ground: the search for understanding beyond the surface, through time, space and soul.

Period: 02.12. – 22.12.23

This exhibition is not just a demonstration of individual skills, but an invitation to perceive the interconnectedness of human expression. Each artist challenges us in their medium to look beyond our unique experiences – to engage with the collective narrative that defines our existence and our impact on the planet. It is an artistic call to acknowledge, preserve and honor the world we inhabit and share.