Ilse Oelbers | A Journey into Fantasy Land | Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg | June/July 2021

Ilse Oelbers (Dutch Artist) at A Journey into Fantasy Land, Pashmin Art Gallery, Hamburg, 4 June – 2 July 2021

Ilse Oelbers (Netherlands) was trained to be a boat builder, but she became a self-taught sculptor. As a carpenter, she first sailed around the world on tall ships like Europa, Stad Amsterdam and Oosterschelde. In the following years Ilse worked as a woodcarver for decorations on traditional ships in Holland and abroad. About 10 years ago she started to make clay sculptures for bronze. Soon after, she became a full-time artist.

In her work, integrity and intimacy are the key words. The central theme of Ilse’s work is therefore the human race in its pure form. Hope is the beauty of people, which gives her the best inspiration to develop her work. The frozen movement in her sculptures shows the vulnerability of people and may be an acknowledgement of what we miss in our daily lives. To look at the face of integrity is to look at the face of love.

