Werner Nieuwoudt interview, Figuratum durch Abstractum III 09/2022

Our “Figuratum durch Abstractum” series continues this year. “There is no such thing as abstract art. You always have to start with something. After that, you can remove all traces of reality”, as Pablo Picasso once put it. Contemporary painting encompasses abstract as well as figurative elements and many artists from the 20th century to the present day have shown that the boundary between figuration and abstraction was much more permeable than thought. With this group exhibition at Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg, we would like to present four international artists whose artworks illustrate the enormous interaction between figuration and abstraction. As a special highlight of the evening, we will offer culinary and musical specialties to round off the vernissage on many sensory levels.

Werner Nieuwoudt

Belgium, Japan, South Africa….- Our artist and globetrotter Werner Nieuwoudt incorporates the stations of his life into his conceptualisations and uses his works to promote a dialogue of perspectives that focuses on human interaction with art and its perception. To provide a platform for other emerging artists, Werner Nieuwoudt founded a public art initiative called the Secret Art Society.

Vernissage: 10.09.2022 – 18.00 o clockExhibition period: 10.09. – 01.10. 2022Opening speech: Dr. Marc Cremer-Thursby
Group exhibition at Pashmin Art Gallery Hamburg with:Justyna Wojtas | Werner Nieuwoudt | Parviz Tehrani | Frank Wohlrab
