Alexander Dik is a Russian-German artist who grew up in Berlin. He creates abstract expressionist works. These works are completely subordinate to the content and have no set form.
Dik was born in Kazakhstan before moving to Berlin to attend school. During his childhood and adolescence, he experienced firsthand how migrants are often treated as strangers. This background has shaped the artist’s life, perception, and perseverance, leading him to develop a vibrant relationship with himself and create a body of work characterized by a bold use of color.
The artist begins by choosing a subject that follows clear narrative structures. The reflection on this theme is then brought to the canvas with power and strength, without inhibition in the diverse use of colors or techniques.
Alexander Dik’s works are incredibly vibrant and provocative. He uses brushes and palette knives as well as drips and paint throwers to create his artworks, where the paint sometimes protrudes like mountainous folds, adding to the voluminous texture of the work.
These works make the viewer think. They show the full range of human experience, from hopelessness, hesitation, procrastination, and suffering to pleasure, joy, love, and the feeling of being connected to another human being.
Alexander Dik is represented by Pashmin Art Consortiaand his works have been exhibited in galleries in Germany and China. From April to May 2022, his new series will be exhibited at Art Archive Museum and Art Beijing.